Solana System Accounts
The Wallet object in a Nautilus program simply represents a Solana system account - an account owned by the System Program and created with an ED25519 keypair.
You can create system accounts in a variety of ways, and as long as you've registered the keypair's public address with the Solana network you've deployed your Nautilus program to, it will map to a valid Wallet object!
The most common way to create system accounts on Solana is through the CLI:
solana-keygen new
solana airdrop 1 --keypair ./path-to-keypair.json
# - or -
solana transfer 1 <NEW_WALLET_ADDRESS>
You can also create a system account using @solana/web3.js
, or using a Solana program!
To create a system account in a Nautilus program, you can do the following:
- This method will create a system account with the transaction fee payer as the rent payer for this new account:
use nautilus::*;
mod program_nautilus {
fn create<'a>(mut new_wallet: Create<'a, Wallet<'a>>) -> ProgramResult {
- This method will create a system account and allow you to specify the rent payer for this new account:
use nautilus::*;
mod program_nautilus {
fn create_with_payer<'a>(
mut new_wallet: Create<'a, Wallet<'a>>,
rent_payer: Signer<Wallet<'a>>,
) -> ProgramResult {
You can use system accounts in your program for whatever you want, including requiring their signature.
use nautilus::*;
mod program_nautilus {
fn transfer<'a>(from: Signer<Wallet<'a>>, to: Mut<Wallet<'a>>, amount: u64) -> ProgramResult {
from.transfer_lamports(to, amount)
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